New to our website or church?


On behalf of our entire congregation, thank you for visiting our website and showing an interest in our church family!  We count it a privilege that out of all the churches in the world that you could've chosen to show interest in, you chose ours.  And we thank you for giving us that opportunity.  I don't believe you'll find a more welcoming and inviting group of people than those you'll meet at Barron Road Baptist Church!  We know that people can be uncomfortable being in a new setting around folks they don't know, but most newcomers who visit, leave, feeling as if they've always been a part of our church family!  We hope and pray that you do as well!

If you have any questions about our church, or have spiritual needs which you need assistance with, please feel free to email me at any time!  I would count it a privilege to be able to help serve you and your family's needs.

In Christ's love,
Pastor Roger Morton

What To Expect

We have 4 services/week - Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, Sunday evening worship, and Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer time.  Each service typically lasts about an hour.  We have congregational singing (primarily hymnals), special music (which includes both contemporary and southern gospel songs), a time of offering and prayer, as well as Bible preaching.  There is childcare available and activities for all age groups.  Please plan on hanging around after the service for a short time, just so we can get a little better acquainted with you and your family.

Connect with us!

Let us get to know you better! We'd love to serve you in any way we can and help you get connected with our church.
All information given will not be shared with others and is intended for church purposes only.
Join us for a church event and get to know us better for a time of fun and fellowship!
We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. All requests are not published and remain private.